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Comprehensive Lawn Care Services for Your Property

D & C Alabama Landscape, Inc, we specialize in providing top-quality lawn care solutions tailored to the unique needs of Alabama homeowners. With years of experience and a commitment to excellence, our team ensures your lawn remains lush, healthy, and free from weeds and pests.

Healthy Lawns, Beautiful Homes

At D&C Alabama, we provide expert lawn care services to keep your yard lush, green, and free from weeds and pests. Our team is dedicated to delivering the highest quality treatments tailored to Alabama’s unique climate.

Why Choose D&C Alabama?

  • Expert Knowledge – Customized solutions for Alabama lawns.
  • Premium Products – High-quality treatments for long-lasting results.
  • Customer Satisfaction – We prioritize excellent service and beautiful lawns.

Get a Free Quote Today!

Transform your lawn with expert care from D&C Alabama. Contact us now for a free consultation and take the first step toward a healthier, greener yard!

Read What Our Customers Are Saying

We’re Here To Serve You

At D & C Alabama Lawn Care, our team is dedicated to enhancing the beauty and health of lawns across the community with professional Weed Control, Fertilization, Tree and Shrub Care, Core Aeration, and Lawn Pest Control. We take pride in delivering reliable, high-quality treatments that keep your property looking its best year-round.

Service Areas

As a locally owned and operated business, D&C Alabama is proud to provide expert lawn care services to homeowners throughout Gardendale and surrounding areas.

Schedule Now

Alabaster, AL

Alabaster, AL, USA

Birmingham, AL

Birmingham, AL, USA

Chelsea, AL

Chelsea, AL, USA

Cullman, AL

Cullman, AL, USA

Fultondale, AL

Fultondale, AL, USA

Gardendale, AL

Gardendale, AL, USA

Helena, AL

Helena, AL, USA

Homewood, AL

Homewood, AL, USA

Hoover, AL

Hoover, AL, USA

Irondale, AL

Irondale, AL, USA

Kimberly, AL

Kimberly, AL, USA

Leeds, AL

Leeds, AL, USA

Morris, AL

Morris, AL, USA

Mountain brook, AL

Mountain Brook, AL, USA

Mt olive, AL

Mt Olive, AL, USA

Pelham, AL

Pelham, AL, USA

Trussville, AL

Trussville, AL, USA

Vestavia hills, AL

Vestavia Hills, AL, USA